The focus within our animation work is creating original character animation based narratives, working with 3D digital, 2D and stop-motion animation.

We work with clients to create bespoke short animated films, sequences, characters and worlds, which we can then help to develop into full pipelines for series and features.

In-house, we develop and make entire short films, commercials and series pilots, including the multi-award-winning “Little Dog Turpie”, our in post-production series “Wildlife Films”, the Skullduggery Pleasant “Mortal Coil” short for Harper Collins and commercials for Lego , Smyths Toys and Cadbury.

We also carry out sub-contract supervision, create character animation sequences and VFX for larger client projects, such as feature films, series, commercials and games.

Features include ‘Show Dogs’, ‘Nice Guys’ ‘Great Ghost Rescue’ , ‘Salmon Fishing In the Yemen’, ‘Total Recall’, ‘Byzantium’, ‘A Little Chaos’, ‘Anomaly’,
Our clients include Aardman, Lipsync, Ridley Scott Assocs, Partizan, th1ng, Fallon, BBC, Doghouse Post.

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